The uppercut is an amazing punch that can knock you out before you knew what hit you. When landed solid, this punch changes fights fast. It amazes me though on how many fighters and trainers neglect this powerful punch.
Just look at vintage footage of Iron Mike Tyson's fights on how he would rip those viscous uppercuts, and leave his opponents unconscious. Iron Mike Tyson was famous for that and it was one of his favorite weapons in his heavy punching arsenal. Remember Evander Holyfield vs. Bert Cooper? Evander Holyfiled's uppercut couldn't miss that night and it was truly damaging blow to Bert Cooper. That's what basically one that fight for Evander Holyfield when Bert Cooper was hanging tough and having his own moments with his uppercut.
Great fighters know what this punch can do, and what it can add to their offense. This is why great fighters hone it relentlessly in their training and work it wisely in their fights. You must learn from them and take note of their great success with it. Again, Why it's so underused by many fighters, I have no idea.
The key to throwing the punch is dropping down quickly with your head looking up and driving up with the leg's while not over flexing your spine. The uppercut is far from an arm punch as so many fighters today throw it that way.. When you drop down and rip up with it you're throwing it right. You use some trunk rotation and a quick bend when throwing the punch too. Yes you use your arms to throw it, but more so at the finish of it. That's where the ripping part comes in, you think of ripping into your opponent for more punching power.
If you get lazy and sloppy with the uppercut it can leave you open for a good counter punch. The counter punch thrown is often a hook that can knock you out before you knew what hit you. It would be wise for boxers to hone this punch in their training while keeping in mind eliminating the chance for any counter punches. You can perfect this scenario in good sparring sessions. Honing it in good sparring will leave you feeling confident and fully prepared to use it in your fights. You want your sparring partner to give you different looks so he can make you work for openings. With good timing you can work the uppercut of a good double jab and follow it up after a right hand, left hook. The upper cut is not just a punch to land on the inside.
You must work on doubling the uppercut so if your opponent blocks the punch you will have a better chance of scoring with it as he won't anticipate another follow up shot coming.
Another great time to perfect the upper cut is in your shadow boxing. Don't just wait for sparring. If you had problems landing it or throwing it in a previous sparring session this is a less threatening chance and time for you to perfect the upper cut. Just imagine the scenarios you had with it in sparring and role play with it in shadow boxing. I guarantee you that your success rate with it in sparring will then go way up.
Do this then watch how a fast and powerful well thrown uppercut ends fights for you quickly and easily. It takes lots of practice though. If you are willing to put i hard and consistent practice then you will enjoy this very underused weapon wondering why more fighters don't perfect it but at the same time being very glad that they don't.
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